Sunday, November 28, 2010

What do we mean by "Walking On A Loose Leash"?

Does Your Dog Treat You Worse Than Your Husband Or Wife Does?

Does Your Dog Treat You Worse Than Your Husband Or Wife Does?
Success  Story: 5yr-old American Pit Bull Terrier NOW Walking On
A Loose Leash...
Does Your Dog Treat Your Worse Than Your Husband  Or Wife Does?

Would you tolerate your wife not paying attention to you, when you
asked her to do something?  How about if your husband didn't look
at you, or even acknowledge you... when you ask him to bring your
If you have a healthy relationship with your significant other,
then you probably couldn't imagine your spouse treating you with
such disrespect.
But the same people who would divorce their husband or wife in a
New York minute for this type of behavior... will tolerate it for
years from their dog.
Yes... from the same animal that they feed, bathe, house and pay
for medical bills. 
But ask the dog to do something-- and they'll consistently let
their pet ignore them.  AND DO NOTHING ABOUT IT!!!
You don't need to be a professional dog trainer to get great
results with your dog.  And you don't need to learn the secrets and
tips that we use to get super-fast results with minimal effort.
(Although it helps!)  But what you do need is to command your dog's

Wix Launches Video Features - Website Magazine - Website Magazine

Here's more proof that VIDEO is the way to go. No more long and boring emails to read. You'll see exciting video. What could be better than that? (Besides the bank full of money ;) )

Wix Launches Video Features - Website Magazine - Website Magazine

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Climb Over Your Failures by Nepoleon Hill

Climb Over Your Failures
by Napoleon Hill

There are exceptions to this rule; a few people know from experience the soundness of persistence. They are the ones who have not accepted defeat as being anything more than temporary. They are the ones whose desires are so persistently applied that defeat is finally changed into victory. We who stand on the side-lines of life see the overwhelmingly large number who go down in defeat, never to rise again. We see the few who take the punishment of defeat as an urge to greater effort. These, fortunately, never learn to accept life's reverse gear. But what we do not see, what most of use never suspect of existing, is the silent but irresistible power which comes to the rescue of those who fight on in the face of discouragement. If we speak of this power at all we call it persistence, and let it go at that. One thing we all know, if one does not possess persistence, one does not achieve noteworthy success in any calling.
As these lines are being written, I look up from my work, and see before me, less than a block away, the great mysterious Broadway, the "Graveyard of Dead Hopes," and the "Front Porch of Opportunity." From all over the world people have come to Broadway, seeing fame, fortune, power, love, or whatever it is that human beings call success. Once in a great while someone steps out from the long procession of seekers, and the world hears that another person has mastered Broadway. But Broadway is not easily nor quickly conquered. She acknowledges talent, recognizes genius, pays off in money, only after one has refused to quit.
Then we know he has discovered the secret of how to conquer Broadway. The secret is always inseparably attached to one word, persistence!
Source: Think and Grow Rich. Ballantine Books. 1996. Pg. 155.

Create Facebook Fan Pages with Wix - Website Magazine - Website Magazine

Create Facebook Fan Pages with Wix - Website Magazine - Website Magazine

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Optimizing the Comment Experience - Website Magazine - Website Magazine

I want to share this wonderful article that Earl Newland @ posted to his site and shared. I took it to heart, read every word and even the suggested sites at the end. I think that we can squeeze a lot of info. out of the article that could last for several posts. Take a look and see for yourself.

Purina Animal All Stars

I have to share this video. It's a "Kitten Pile"!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

"Never, Never, Never Give Up!"

     It's been a little while since my last post.  I've not been feeling well.  But, that's what happens sometimes with my disability.  That's what makes my business on line so great!  I don't have to get up and get ready for a commute to the office and have everyone interrupt me asking if I'm O.K.  I can work at my own pace, if I need a break, I take it.  I can lay in bed and read that book, whether hand-held or an e-book, that I wanted to read.  When I can set things on auto-pilot is when things go a little smoother.  I don't think that even the "gurus" have all their ducks-in-a-row.  So, I don't feel so bad when things don't get set up right or are done on time like I wanted them to.
     It's been great learning from Mike Dillard, Jonathan Budd, Katie Freiling, Sabrina Walker, Toby and Layla-The MVT Rockstars, Ray Higdon, Cedrick Harris and so many others.  It's been a little rough trying to follow so many with so much to learn, but then they all have so much to offer.  I'll just keep pluggin' along.  I was on the phone one day with a telemarketer and we were having a great little talk.  I always like to have a chat and ask them about their day.  I don't think they get asked how their day's gone very often, do you?  You never know where these things will go, right?  Well, in the conversation, I likened myself to a bamboo seed.  When a bamboo seed is planted, it is watered and cared for for 5 years with no sprout or growth.  Then after the 5 years of growing inside it's shell, it bursts forth and grows very tall almost overnight.  And that's not an exaggeration.  It seems like it knows that it's got a lot of growth to make up for all that time down in the dark warm earth.  That's me, I'm a bamboo seed.  So, I may be slower than some, but you'll see me big and tall and strong in business in 5 years.  Just you wait and see.  I dare you to follow me or come back in 5 years and then wish you HAD followed me.  So, I'll see you again soon.

Friday, November 12, 2010

How to add your website to your Facebook wall

Sometimes it's the little things you miss. So, here's a short little video reminder from Tyler Ford/Better Networker. I know I had to double check my page.

How to add your website to your Facebook wall

Thursday, November 11, 2010

SuperHero Cartoon Style Social icon Set | Social Icon Studio

Would you consider me the nerdy, superhero type? Yea, I played D & D when I was in high school. I always had my nose stuck in a sci-fi/fantasy book. You know, the really thick kind that took 2 hands to hold it was so big. I even had a friend that wore black rimmed glasses and they broke. Guess what he did to fix them? Yep, white bandage tape on the nosepiece. He even had the pocket protector. He was smart, too. He was always our DM, that "Dungeon Master" for those non-nerdy types. We even played the role playing game called Champions. It's the same concept as D & D except it's SUPERHEROS. My fav! You want to know about me. What I'm like. I'm a SUPERHERO, or is it superheroin? Either way, I'm "up, up, and away"!

SuperHero Cartoon Style Social icon Set Social Icon Studio

Goal Poster

Goal Poster
Originally uploaded by littlereddog01
You need to read this poster as it is the "icing on the cake" for the previous post. Read this, remember this, and become the best person you can. To the greatest life you can imagine, a toast to you.

Life Poster

Life Poster
Originally uploaded by littlereddog01
I'm on a roll. I'm finding things that I want to share with you. Now this poster says it all. I don't think that I need to describe or explain it. This is the bottom line of what our lives are. Do you live it? Do you want to live it? I'm here to help you discover how to live your life with meaning, purpose, and integrity. Please enjoy this and the rest of what I blog. Feel free to contact me concerning anything on your mind. I'm here for you. Yes, you, the one reading this blog. I'd make a big red arrow to point to you, but that would take up precious time. Time that I could continue to inspire and hope to create the best you you've ever had.

The Social Media Marketing Blog: Want to Lead Corporate Social Strategy? Read This.

This article is insider knowledge that is a must read. Before you consider, or are considering, joining the reputable ranks of the "Corporate Stratigist", get a first hand report on the stresses and duties expected from such a position. You have to be resilient, a good listener, pay attention to details, and an excellent leader. To possess such qualities is what allows one to succeed, persevere, and grow as an individual and a intergral part of a corporate business.

The Social Media Marketing Blog: Want to Lead Corporate Social Strategy? Read This.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Network Marketing Is NOT That Hard .... How a 2yr old's Perception Can Show Why

Kids can teach us some great things. We are the ones that can make it difficult.

Network Marketing Is NOT That Hard .... How a 2yr old's Perception Can Show Why

7 Ways (and Means) to Owning a Pet…and Still Owning Your Budget

This is a very important blog for animal owners. I'm posting it because I have service animals and love Pit Bulls. Being disabled and just beginning my online business has me within a budget. Taking care of the animals you have is very important, too. Please read and enjoy. (Ruff-ruff!)

7 Ways (and Means) to Owning a Pet…and Still Owning Your Budget

BlogUpp! | the blog

BlogUpp! | the blog

Friday, November 5, 2010

*Released to the Public* Dirty Little Blogging Secrets (Part 1) How To Build a Blog That Generates LEADS | MLM Online Success with Toby & Layla

I'm still learning, but this is easy with Toby & Layla at my back.

They make it simple, clear, and FUN.

I thought blogging was going to be boring.

They even give you FREE links to increase your posting, audience, and "The Big Boogie Man of the Internet"-Alexa.

This is a must see if you want to be seen and successful.

*Released to the Public* Dirty Little Blogging Secrets (Part 1) How To Build a Blog That Generates LEADS | MLM Online Success with Toby & Layla