Saturday, November 20, 2010

"Never, Never, Never Give Up!"

     It's been a little while since my last post.  I've not been feeling well.  But, that's what happens sometimes with my disability.  That's what makes my business on line so great!  I don't have to get up and get ready for a commute to the office and have everyone interrupt me asking if I'm O.K.  I can work at my own pace, if I need a break, I take it.  I can lay in bed and read that book, whether hand-held or an e-book, that I wanted to read.  When I can set things on auto-pilot is when things go a little smoother.  I don't think that even the "gurus" have all their ducks-in-a-row.  So, I don't feel so bad when things don't get set up right or are done on time like I wanted them to.
     It's been great learning from Mike Dillard, Jonathan Budd, Katie Freiling, Sabrina Walker, Toby and Layla-The MVT Rockstars, Ray Higdon, Cedrick Harris and so many others.  It's been a little rough trying to follow so many with so much to learn, but then they all have so much to offer.  I'll just keep pluggin' along.  I was on the phone one day with a telemarketer and we were having a great little talk.  I always like to have a chat and ask them about their day.  I don't think they get asked how their day's gone very often, do you?  You never know where these things will go, right?  Well, in the conversation, I likened myself to a bamboo seed.  When a bamboo seed is planted, it is watered and cared for for 5 years with no sprout or growth.  Then after the 5 years of growing inside it's shell, it bursts forth and grows very tall almost overnight.  And that's not an exaggeration.  It seems like it knows that it's got a lot of growth to make up for all that time down in the dark warm earth.  That's me, I'm a bamboo seed.  So, I may be slower than some, but you'll see me big and tall and strong in business in 5 years.  Just you wait and see.  I dare you to follow me or come back in 5 years and then wish you HAD followed me.  So, I'll see you again soon.

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